
Stay Up-to-Date with Hostilo Helps
Welcome to the Hostilo Helps Foundation News Page, where we share the latest updates about our organization’s efforts to make a positive impact in the world.

What’s happening at Hostilo Helps?

Trey Bradley
Trey will be a Junior at Central Fellowship Christian Academy. He plays basketball on the varsity team. Trey enjoys math and teaching kids how to play basketball. Trey strives to get a great education and hopes to play in college.

Emalyn Coleman
Emalyn will be attending Savannah Christian Preparatory School in the fall. She plays softball and is on the swim team. She is also in the honors band and is the President of Girls with a Purpose. She hopes to go to UCLA for college.

Logan Mims

Logan Harman
Logan Harman will be attending St. Andrews School
(Savannah, GA)
We partnered with others for our annual Book Bag Drive and gave out over 1500 book bags with school supplies:
July 15th Macon- 440 Bags
July 20th Columbus- 260 Bags
July 22nd Savannah- 420 bags
July 29th Augusta- 400 bags (projected)
August 10th Charleston- Update after event
On July 22nd, we partnered with the Savannah Clovers Football Club to collect school supplies and presented the trophy for the Region Championship.
Recent Hostilo Helps News
Mike Hostilo Law Firm Hosts 7th Annual Book Bag and Supply Drive
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) – The Mike Hostilo Law Firm partnered with the Frank Callen Boys and Girls Club to help out the local Savannah community by donating book bags.
Hostilo Helps Golf Tournament
On June 5th, 2023, we held our first annual Hostilo Helps Golf Classic at Savannah Quarters Country Club. Here is the news report: Read more from WSAV
Mike Hostilo for The Bridge
Mike Hostilo meets with WSAV – Watch the Video Here